Donations for the homeless…

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A sincere and humble thank you to friends and family that once again came out to support “backpacks from the heart“ including newcomers Allen and his children which did a phenomenal job on their first outing.

There were mostly new faces this year though a couple were recognizable and all were overly appreciative albeit surprised by the offerings we had for them. We warmly welcomed their interactions and to the ones that chose to share, listened to their stories of how they feel blessed even in their situation.

There was one older woman that was asleep in her wheelchair as we happened upon her and so we just set a backpack down by her feet so that it would be there when she woke up. As we pulled away we noticed that she was awake and was curiously going to the bag to see what somebody had left her.

And we had an older woman with a walker that did not want the backpack itself but just wanted the items inside…we let her know that she could give somebody else the backpack after she partook of the items inside and as we circled the lake we noticed her backpack (now empty) sitting on the brick wall. Instead of leaving it we decided to grab the backpack and will fill of the school supplies for the other project we are doing later this coming week.

All in all I would say it was a successful outing…new friends were made and great stories shared with all involved, both in our group and the people we were there to assist.

Again this is only possible thanks to the love and support of family and friends – it is only because of your warm and generous hearts that opportunities like this are even feasible. For your friendship and support, thank you.

God Bless.

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